Sunday, February 26, 2017

Interview: Making ‘The Master' with Poster Artist Dustin Stanton Response

Here is another example of the "artistic process." This time the focus is on Dustin Stanton. Being who I am, I will say have no reference on this artist or any artist, for that matter. Towards the end, I actually found myself greatly appreciating a person's work who I have never even heard of.  8 Mile, There Will Be Blood, and Fantastic Beats the three big examples that I familiarize with his work. Clearly, Stanton has made a name for himself. Not much I can say for the rest of this article because I would end up rephrasing it. An artistic career is  forever changing which might scare many. Also, I learned everyone is similar in different ways(vice versa). Overall the interview gave me more insight into an artistic lifestyle.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Tim Brown Response

In this recent Ted Talks "Tim Brown: Designers -- think big!", we are introduced to "design thinking." The term is very self-explanatory and offers many variations. Designers can think big, think big in small portions, think of others' input, etc. Overall we are implied to think in design. Also, I really appreciate Tim Brown's comparison to old designers to the new. He basically sums up new designers as people who wear "black turtlenecks and designer glasses." Even his comparison on the size of designers was very clever. In the past, I never thought designers currently work on only small objects up until now. And his last point on design getting bigger gives me more spite on what is to come to the future. This was a very informative Ted Talks that inspires me to take a look at  more.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

"To the Point: Interview With Dave Perillo, aka Montygog" Response

This article is an interview with an artist plain and simple. Personally, I have never heard of David Perillo, but from the looks of his designs, it is clear that David is a professional. The interviewer asks a plethora of standard questions like, "Who are you? Why do you draw?..." As the interview goes on, it is clear of what David's inspiration for art was. Inspiration in general defines who an artist is. However, inspiration does not mean copy either. A nice quote that makes this clear is: "If everybody copied, we'd have a million Garfields out there, and that's a scary thought."(Perillo)  Now all that is left to do is find my art and inspiration as well.

"Re think the Way We Sit Down" Response

In this Ted Talks, the speaker Niels Diffrient discusses how he entered a career in chair design. First he fell in love with airplanes but that romance had died off. As a result Niels transferred over to to chairs because it was something he had experienced beside airplanes. Overall the presentation was relatable for anyone who has had a strong passion for their interest. Later in the presentation Niels brings the title to life when discussing his chair design. Niels' chair considers anyone and everybody who uses reclining chairs. What that taught me is that design contributes to a majority and not just the creator. In the future I hope I can take this philosophy into mind when find a career.