Sunday, February 26, 2017

Interview: Making ‘The Master' with Poster Artist Dustin Stanton Response

Here is another example of the "artistic process." This time the focus is on Dustin Stanton. Being who I am, I will say have no reference on this artist or any artist, for that matter. Towards the end, I actually found myself greatly appreciating a person's work who I have never even heard of.  8 Mile, There Will Be Blood, and Fantastic Beats the three big examples that I familiarize with his work. Clearly, Stanton has made a name for himself. Not much I can say for the rest of this article because I would end up rephrasing it. An artistic career is  forever changing which might scare many. Also, I learned everyone is similar in different ways(vice versa). Overall the interview gave me more insight into an artistic lifestyle.

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